charge |
bill / coin / check(book) / cash |
commission rate |
One-year time deposit |
interest per annum |
bank card |
credit card |
(personal) code number |
은행계좌 : a bank account 당좌예금 : checking account 저축예금 : savings account 정기예금 : fixed(time) deposit 보통예금 : ordinary deposit 신탁예금 : deposit in trust 수표예금구좌 : checking-savings account 출금 청구서 (withdrawal slip) 예금 신청서 (deposit slip) 대출신청서 : loan application 통장 : passbook 잔고 : balance 송금(액) : remittance 전자송금 : electronic[wire] transfer 환전소 (Exchange Bureau/ Money Exchange) 현금지급기 : cash dispenser 현금 자동 입출금기 : ATM : Automated Teller Machine 여행자수표 : traveler's check 봉급 수표 : paycheck 부도수표 : bad check 지불정지요청 : stop payment order 담보, 저당, 저당 잡히다 : mortgage |
interest rate |
open an account (계좌를 개설하다), close an account (계좌를 폐쇄하다), deposit (= make a deposit) (예금하다), withdraw (인출하다), make (a) remittance (= do a wire transfer) (송금하다), key in[enter] one's code number (비밀번호를 누르다), endorse[indorse] one's personal check to ~ (~에게 개인 수표에 배서를 해주다), countersign a check (= sign one's name to a check) (수표에 확인 서명하다), charge a 1% commission on ~ (~에 1%의 수수료를 받다), bounce ([수표]부도로 되돌아 오다- 수동의 의미), stop payment (지불을 멈추다), arrange a loan (대부받다) |
The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference.
나에 인생관