1. 콩나물밥 - Been sprouts over rice
2. 떡볶이 - Spicy ricencake string
3. 볶음밥 - Fried rice
4. 김밥 - Korean rice
5. 비빔밥 - Rice mixed with meat, seasoned vegetables and egg
6. 닭죽 - Chicken porridge
7. 잣죽 - Pine nut porridge
8. 호박죽 - Pumpkin porridge
9. 야채죽 - Vegetable porridge
10. 콩국수 - Bean noodles
11. 자장면 - Chinese style noodles
12. 잡채 - Glass noodle stir fry
13. 소바, 모밀국수 - Japanese style buckwheat noodles
14. 장국수 - Market noodles
15. 냉면 - Cold buckwheat noodles
16. 콩나물무침 - Seasoned bean sprouts
17. 시금치무침 - Seasoned spinach
18. 계란찜 - Steamed egg
19. 두부튀김 - Fried tofu cake
20. 배추김치 - Cabbage kimchi
21. 무우김치 - Radish kimchi
22. 참치김치찌개 - Kimchi tuna soup
23. 김치두부전 - Fried kimchi and tofu cake
24. 김치부침 - Kimchi stir fry
25. 두부김치 - Tofu kimchi
26. 갈비탕 - Beef rib soup
27. 돼지국밥 - Pork soup with rice
28. 수육백반 - Pork meat dish with rice
29. 선지국밥 - Ox blood soup with rice
30. 간장 - Soy sauce
31. 감 - Persimmon
32. 고추장 - Red pepper paste
33. 고춧가루 - Powdered red pepper
34. 굴 - Oyster
35. 김 - Laver
36. 대추 - Codfish
37. 두부 - Bean curd
38. 돼지곱창 - Chitterlings
39. 된장 - Bean paste
40. 메밀 - Buckwheat
41. 마늘 - Garlic
42. 무우 - Radish
43. 밥 - Steamed rice
44. 오이 - Cucumber
45. 장어 - Eel
46. 전 - Pancake
47. 전복 - Abalone
48. 젓갈 - Salted fish pickle
49. 조미료 - Seasoning
50. 죽 - Porridge, Gruel
51. 찜 - Stew
52. 파 - Scallion
53. 참깨 - Sesame
54. 참기름 - Sesame oil
55. 콩나물 - Bean sprouts
56. 해파리 - Jellyfish, Medusa
57. 해삼 - Sea cucumber
58. 홍어 - Skate
59. 산적 - Brochette
60. 생강 - Ginger
61. 순두부 - Soft bean curd
62. 식혜 - Fermented nice punch
63. 육수 - Beef broth
64. 오징어 - Squid