clothes (옷,의복), suit (의복 한 벌), costume ((특수한)의상,복장), garment (의복, 외관), |
shirts (와이셔츠), dress shirts (긴소매 와이셔츠), short-sleeved shirts (반소매셔츠), T-shirts (T 셔츠), |
underwear (= undergarment, undershirt, underlinen, underclothes, underclothing) (속옷), | |
bikini briefs (fly가 없는 삼각팬티), briefs (fly가 있는 삼각팬티), athletic shirt (소매없는 런닝), 팬티 (underpants(미국), pants(영국)) | |
skirt (치마-투피스용), pleat skirt (주름치마), |
pants(= trousers (양복바지), cf. jeans) (바지), breeches (짧은바지), undershorts (속바지), overalls (작업바지), |
jeans (= blue jeans) (청바지), riding breeches/peg tops (승마바지), wadded[cotton-padded] trousers (솜바지), | |
slacks (여자바지), bell-bottom(ed) trousers (= bell bottoms) ( 나팔바지) | |
blazer (스포츠용 상의), jacket (덧옷, 양복의 상의), blouse (블라우스, 작업복, 야구 유니폼의 웃옷), vest (조끼), tuxedo (턱시도), |
windbreaker(스포츠용)) (점퍼), jumper (= a zip-up jacket) (잠바), overcoat (긴겉옷-긴코트), | |
three-quarter coat (짧은 코트), single-breasted coat (양복 상의- 싱글), double-breasted jacket (양복 상의-떠블), | |
turtleneck (목이 긴 스웨터), cardigan (단추가 있는 스웨터; 가디건), top (소매, 칼라 없는 윗도리), sweater (스웨터), crop tops (= halter-top) (배꼽티), trench coat (바바리코트), life jacket/vest (구명동의) | |
panty hose(= pantihose) (팬티 스타킹), scarf (스카프), buckle (혁대쇠), belt (= waistband) (허리띠), tie clip (타이핀), bracelet (팔찌), matinee[매터네이] (여자의 오전 실내복), handkerchief (손수건), lace (끈, 끈으로 장식하다, 졸라매다), tapestry (벽걸이 융단, 벽걸이 융단으로 장식하다), |
bow (tie) (나비넥타이), suspenders (바지멜빵), a mourning dress (= funeral garments) (상복), slipper (슬리퍼) | |
lapel (양복상의의) 옷깃, neckband (한복의 옷깃), collar (와이셔츠의 옷깃), sleeve (소매), pocket (포켓), |
cuff (바지끝의 접단), fly (단추, 지퍼 가리는 부위), | |
texture (직물), wool (모직), cotton (면), silk (비단), rayon (라일론), fiber (섬유), fur (모피), velvet (표면에 부드러운 털이 난 직물) |
sole (신발창, 바닥), shoelace (신발끈), shrink-proof (오무라듬방지의), wrinkle free (주름이 잡히지 않는), |
thread (실,나사선), waterproof (방수의), loud(야한, 화려한), lousy (저속한), 여벌의 바지 (spare pants), | |
striped (줄무늬의), checked (체크모양의), polka dotted (점무늬의), solid (단색인), flower print (꽃무늬의), |
plaid (격자모양의), simple (단순한), light (옅은), dark (진한), neat (= tidy) (단정한), messy (지저분한), | |
smooth (면이 부드러운), rough (= coarse) (면이 거칠은) | |
suit (색상, 디자인이)잘 어울리다, fit (모양,치수)잘 맞다, go (well) with (잘 어울리다,조화되다), |
dress up ((정장으로)차려 입다), put on(= dress oneself, wear(상태를 표현)) (옷,모자,신발 등을)입다,걸치다, embroider (수놓다, 윤색하다, 과장하다), sag (옷이 처지다) | |
undress ((남의)옷을 벗기다), put off (= take off, strip off, undress oneself) (벗다), roll up (걷어 올리다), ready-made or custom-tailored (기성복 또는 맞춤복), texture (무늬를 짜넣다) | |
bracelet (팔찌), necklace (목걸이), earrings (귀걸이), brooch (= breastpin) (브로치), sunglasses (선글라스), handkerchief (손수건), cellular phone (= mobile phone, cordless phone) (핸드폰), gem (보석), ruby (루비), |
off the rack (= ready-made) (기성복의), custom-made (= custom-tailored) (맞춤복의) |
The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference.
나에 인생관